“Ideas Change the World” with Pierre-Marie Lledo
Join us for a live talk* on Zoom with Pierre-Marie Lledo, Neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, to discuss the relationship between brain function and our learning.

As part of the events “Ideas change the world” organised by IFS, Pierre-Marie Lledo will be speaking about
“What recent discoveries on the functioning of the brain tell us about the way we learn”
On Wednesday, 10th February at 7 PM SGT
Pierre-Marie Lledo, a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, was awarded the CNRS bronze medal in 1995.
In 2001, he became director of research at the Institute of Neurobiology Alfred Fessard (INAF).
In 2011, he was appointed Director of Research at the CNRS in the Genes, Synapses and Cognition laboratory. He also heads the Perception and Memory unit at the Institut Pasteur.
Member of the European Academy of Sciences, he was a visiting professor at Harvard University for many years.
He is the author, with Jean-Didier Vincent, of Le Cerveau sur mesure (published by Odile Jacob, 2014) which was a great success and of Le cerveau, la machine et l’humain (published by Odile Jacob, 2017).
A specialist in exploring the functioning of the brain in its possibilities of adaptation and regeneration, his work has been awarded numerous prizes, including that of the French National Academy of Medicine in 2005.
*This talk will be held in French. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.