Home > The Week of French Schools Around the World (SLFM)

The Week of French Schools Around the World (SLFM)

Launch of Year Of Media And Information Literacy (EMI):

The year 2022 will be marked by numerous events with strong global resonance, abundant information, and a media landscape undergoing profound change. The AEFE proposes to focus this year on media and information literacy (EMI ) in close liaison with diplomatic posts to “be informed in a connected world to form enlightened citizens.” 

EMI contributes to training in critical thinking, citizenship and, more generally, a better understanding of the world. Various official reports have highlighted the importance of these issues for education, training and democratic life. These questions are particularly acute for students in the network of French schools abroad after two years of health crisis and home-based learning, during which connections have increased even further. Given the expectations expressed by students and educational teams within the network, the AEFE has decided to support learning and projects related to EMI.

The year of Media & Information Literacy within the AEFE network aims to raise awareness of these issues, stimulate transdisciplinary teaching & learning in classes and promote pupils’ production throughout the year and over the long term.

Four highlights will punctuate this year:

 The Week of French High Schools of the World  (SLFM) from November 28 to December 3, 2022.

– Press and media week (March 2023), in partnership with CLEMI.

– An EMI day at the AEFE: conferences and round tables (April-May 2023).

– The May of languages (May 2023).



  1. Discussions in class around citizenship – Equality between girls and boys.

Elementary School

  1. The News on television: CE2 classes, the students explore the news, news reporting and conduct interviews. 

Middle School (all levels are concerned)

  1. Journal/Web radio workshop in 6e: Presentation of the SLFM
  2. Run and Zap : 
    • Prozap with the collective goal of travelling around the earth twice. Dissemination through various media makes it possible to constitute a large-scale citizen project. Report by Journal Dream Team 2024
  3. Informed and connected citizen/intellectual integrity (3e SI)

Awareness, empowerment, and information to fight against plagiarism. Formative sequences with 3e students leading to the development of a sworn statement.

Students will understand the following:

  • their responsibilities for producing authentic work, either individually or in groups;
  • how to correctly identify sources, citing the work and ideas of others;
  • responsible use of information technology and social media;
  • the procedure to follow to respect ethical and honest practices and to comply with them during the examinations.

Evaluation of acquired digital knowledge and skills possible with PIX

High School

  1. Action by students for their classmates (Terminals) (in addition to the actions implemented throughout the year by teachers): Raising awareness of reading social networks and preventing fake news.

The main objective is to show students from 3eme to Terminale that using social networks is dangerous and must be reasoned with a critical mind.

  1. Session in 1ère on the Cartography of controversies (Ms Lazorthes) in 1ère SVT spe